Monday, September 7, 2009

A Worldwind of a Month

I know, I know. It has been a whole month since I have posted. Believe me, I have had plenty to post about, but never sat down to do it. Well things have been crazy. The week before school started was so crazy. I worked daily on my room all the way up to school starting on Aug. 17th. It was a stressful week trying to get my room ready, due to the custodians being so far behind schedule waxing my wing. Well, thats what happens when you don't get off your behind and work when you have the time to do it.

School started and the 1st week was the craziest start of school I have ever had. I love team teaching with one of my best friends. It really makes a difference in how fast my day goes by. I did have a couple of VERY stressful days that ended in so much frustration on my part. Things are very different at Summer Grove this year, and has already lead to me looking forward to the summer. Things are just different. There has been alot of prayer on my part. I think this year has already taught me to prioritize things and keep my head up.

Cameron has had alot of fun this past month. He is back in the swing of things with school starting as well. He is at my in laws 2 days a week and Tim drops him off the other 3 days at the school. I am actively looking for a babysitter to watch him 5 days a week for a couple of hours. SO here is some pics of whats been going on.

Mandy and I took the kiddos shopping for her Sip N See shower. Well Maddie decided she wanted to help by pushing Cameron around Old Navy.
She liked putting on their hats too!

Mandy's shower: Lainey and Cameron loved Aunt Debbie's pans!

Lainey & Cameron got alot of the attention at the shower.
Do you think I have enough toys?
Eating with Nana!
Celebrating Malorie's birthday! Look at Cameron watching her blow out the candles!
Nana gave me a bath and I am ready for bed! YEA!

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